Training Online 2020 - Prima Area di Interesse sulla Terminologia Tecnica - 16 e 30 aprile

è la nuova proposta formativa COM&TEC che prevede un ciclo di WEBINAR suddiviso per Aree di Interesse e in varie sessioni per Formarsi, Aggiornarsi e Approfondire conoscenze e abilità in ambito Comunicazione e Documentazione Tecnica e Intelligent Information.
Prima Area di Interesse sulla TERMINOLOGIA TECNICA
“Change Management as key success factor for your terminology management”
– N° 2 Sessioni da 90 min. in Inglese –
Prima Sessione:
“Strategical and organizational perspective”
Effective terminology management means not only setting up a data base and changing content. It requires a restructuring of company-wide processes and the implementation of new roles and working habits. You need a strong concept and strategy to overcome resistance and gain the support of management. This webinar presents a change management plan how to master the challenges of a terminology management project throughout the organization.
Quando: 16 aprile 2020
Orario: dalle 17.00 alle 18.30
Seconda Sessione:
“Personal and operational perspective”
Do you want to ensure that terminology processes are consistently applied even after the implementation project is complete? Or have you invested a lot of time and effort in setting up corporate terminology but unfortunately, not all employees use it consistently?
This webinar will show you how to meet concerns and resistance from your colleagues and win them over as supporters and terminology fans.
We’ll discuss best practices on how to involve and support your colleagues in the terminology process.
Quando: 30 aprile 2020
Orario: dalle 17.00 alle 18.30
Trainer Isabelle Fleury
Isabelle Fleury is the co-owner of Fleury & Fleury Consultants, a consulting firm for global information management. She assists companies with professional, strategic and systemic consulting in organizational development, change processes and information development.
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